Eliae Resident

Hi, i'm Eliae Resident and i'm a Second Life Creator

I like to create items or scripts on my own, and then try to sell them, on the marketplace.

What can i do?

I can create small objects or scripts, or part of larger projects or I can convert old system clothes, tattoos or skins into BOM system (bakes on mesh) or I can create appliers for the Maitreya body.

Script writer

Scripting was one of my last things I learned in SecondLife. Luckily, a long time ago, I studied computer programming in high school, and this advantage allowed me to be able to deal with this kind of art, obtaining excellent results for my creations.

Item/Applier creator

You can contact me "inworld" by searching for me within SecondLife, or through the contact form, or via email.

Mom-Preg will be available on the MarketPlace as soon as it comes out of the testing phase. If you want to participate in the testing phase, write to me, and I will send you a beta version.

Unlike other pregnancy HUDs, Mom-Preg doesn't need the male version to work.

Contact Me

You can write to me here, I promise to read your messages and reply to you as soon as possible!

Second Life Working Hours